Cardiac Rehabilitation
The Cardiac Rehab Program at GCMC is an outpatient service for people who are recovering from heart attacks, heart surgery, angioplasty, stent placement, congestive heart failure and or stable angina. This program emphasizes a personalized approach to recovery through the key components of exercise, education and encouragement.
All members of the cardiac rehab team are dedicated to making each patient’s recovery and lifestyle changes a positive and gratifying experience. They include Nurses, Physical Therapists, and Providers. They also can include counselors and dietitians if referred.
What is Cardiac Rehab?
GCMC’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Program offers a full scope of services designed to restore patients with heart problems to active, productive lives. Our goal is to improve and maintain cardiovascular fitness and reduce risk factors in order to help patients achieve optimal health.
Who is a Candidate for Cardiac Rehab?
Patients who have been diagnosed with any form of heart disease are candidates for Cardiac Rehab. Specifically, patients who have experienced a heart attack, stable angina (chest pain), heart bypass surgery, angioplasty, stents, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation or valve disease.
Wellness Program
GCMC also offers a “Wellness Program” for anyone who is interested in coming in for exercise. This service only requires a Provider’s okay to begin and is a self pay exercise program. For a minimal fee, these patients receive a customized exercise program including blood pressure monitoring, weight checks, and communications with the patient’s primary care provider as needed. All Wellness Program patients are supervised during exercise by cardiac rehab staff.
Currently, the Cardiac Rehab Department has around 20-25 patients who utilize the program which is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We have 6-7 pieces of exercise equipment that includes treadmills, bikes, and Nusteps. We now have an independent program with the purchase of a new software system to monitor patients on our own.
If you have any questions regarding coverage or would like to know more about the Cardiac Rehab program you can contact Liz McDonald or Wendy Schmidt at 785-754-5167. Staffed by Liz McDonald, PTA, Wendy Schmidt, RN, and Carrie Ringer, RN.