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Gove County Medical - Obstetrics 2


Congratulations on the new or soon-to-be new addition to your family! This experience can be an exciting event for mothers and their families. If you have not done so please consider choosing us here at Gove County Medical Center for your obstetric services by calling Bluestem Medical Clinic at 785-754-3333.


There is nothing more important than you and your baby. Because of that, we offer complete Obstetrics services at Gove County Medical Center and Bluestem Medical Clinic. Including birthing classes, lactation consultation, and fully remodeled OB suites. We know you have options for your care and hope that you will choose us like others have when your precious gift arrives. We are providing you with some helpful tips and lists to help prepare you and make your stay here during the delivery process a positive experience.






Please bring with you a valid picture identification and insurance card to assist in the admissions process. You may be asked to pre-register for the approximate date of your delivery. This is to allow an easier admission when you are here to deliver. Patient registration hours are 7am-5pm Monday through Friday. Their phone number is (785) 754-3341 ext. 5154.

We also ask you to bring a list of your allergies and current medications (prescription and nonprescription) including oral medications, eye drops, inhalers, vitamins, supplements, and topical creams. If you cannot provide a list please bring your actual medications with you.


Bring the following items for your newborn baby:

  • “Going Home” outfit
  • Blanket, hat, and socks
  • Car seat
  • Any other items you desire


Please leave all irreplaceable items, jewelry, large amounts of money or credit cards at home. The facility is not responsible for lost or stolen items.


What you can expect of the childbirth process:

  • An adequate amount of staff trained in obstetrics that is required for your delivery
  • A nurse to perform physician orders, as well as to educate you and assist you with the labor process. You also will be provided with comfort measures (position changes, breathing techniques, walking, and warm showers).
  • The length of your hospital stay will be determined by your physician, delivery method, recovery period, and well-being of your newborn child.
  • Mothers may have a limit of two support persons in the delivery room. For cesarean sections, only one support person is allowed.
  • We recommend a limited amount of time during a visitation to allow the mother to rest and to delay visitations if you are ill.
  • Please wash your hands or use the provided hand sanitizer before entering the room and after exiting.



Birth Certificates:


A staff member from the Health Information Management (H.I.M) department will provide you and assist you with filling out the proper forms. H.I.M. is responsible for submitting your newborn’s information to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s Office of Vital Statistics. H.I.M. will need social security numbers of the parents to complete this form. If you have any questions please contact Melinda at 785 754 5151 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday between 8 am and 5 pm.


Childbirth Classes:


Childbirth classes are recommended and physician-approved. These classes are offered through Gove County Medical Center by a registered nurse (RN).

The class schedule is quarterly starting in January, followed by April, July and October.

All classes are held in the GCMC Conference Room and begin at 9:00 am. Classes are FREE
To sign up for a class please call or leave a message with Doreen Wente at (785) 754-5120 or [email protected]


Lactation Consults:


Gove County Medical Center has a Lactation Counseling Program available for all breastfeeding moms and newborns. Breastfeeding can be a rewarding and wonderful journey, however, it does require support and assistance to navigate this new world with your newborn. Lactation consultation is available for all breastfeeding moms after delivery in the hospital and also outpatient after moms and babies are home. GCMC provides a follow-up phone call after discharge to ensure breastfeeding is going well after going home. You can also set up an appointment with a licensed counselor in an outpatient setting if needed.

GCMC has three lactation counselors available who will provide education, be an advocate, and answer questions related to:

  • Routine breastfeeding information
  • Correct latch & positioning
  • Breastfeeding resources
  • Proper nutritional needs for moms
  • Breast pump information
  • Expectations of the first few weeks


Also, you will get help in answering these questions:

  • How can I tell if my baby is ready to eat?
  • How do I know if my baby is getting enough to eat?
  • How often will my baby eat and what if it hurts?


GCMC is dedicated to providing superior lactation support services. In order to provide quality of care for moms and babies you can expect these 5 practices:

  • Immediate and sustained skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby after birth.
  • Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk…..unless medically indicated.
  • Practice “rooming in”-Allow mothers and babies to remain together 24 hours a day.
  • Give no pacifiers or artificial nipples to breastfeeding infants.
  • Provide mothers with resources for breastfeeding support.


Certified Lactation Counselors


Gove County Medical Center:

  • Wendy Schmidt, RN, CLC
  • Carol Zahn, RN


Please call us for Lactation Counseling and Breastfeeding Support.


Other Information:

  • Gove County Medical Center is a tobacco-free facility. Your medical provider can assist you in managing your nicotine dependency during your hospitalization.
  • Cell phone use is allowed in our facility
  • Wireless internet service is available. Please ask a staff member for assistance with the password.


When to contact your medical provider before your delivery:


Any of the following signs or symptoms listed below should prompt you to immediately contact your medical provider.

  • Swelling of your fingers, face, or generalized body swelling.
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Severe headache, blurred vision, or spots in your vision.
  • Abdominal pain or persistent vomiting
  • Accidental Injury
  • A change in the baby’s activity level
  • Pain with urination
  • Fever or chills
  • Vaginal discharge, bleeding, or leakage of fluid
  • Low backache, pelvic pressure, or diarrhea.

You are always welcome to call (785) 754-3341 and ask to speak to a hospital R.N. He/She will be able to answer your questions or talk with you about your concerns.


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