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Health Matters

By: Wade Richard, Marketing Manager 


During these unprecedented times, there are questions that everyone has and answers that seem to be changing weekly and sometimes daily.  With the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals were expected to be overwhelmed and ventilators in short supply.  These expectations were met in large populated areas as the virus spread rapidly.  In the Midwest, the population braced for impact as the spread gained momentum across the United States.  This resulted in the opposite expectation in the rural hospital settings.  The population stayed home, put off elective surgeries and neglected everyday health in fear that the virus was at the hospital. 

In late March 2020, Gove County reported its first case of COVID-19 and most recently its second case. Neither case was hospitalized at Gove County Medical Center.  No matter where you live in Western Kansas, hospitals in your area are open and still there to take care of your needs.  Your health matters and Gove County Medical Center wants to make sure you have the answers to your questions.


Is it safe to go to the hospital during this time?

Yes, it is safe and your health and that of hospital employees is very important.  Extra measures are in place to ensure safety.  Deep cleaning of high touch areas has increased to sanitize surfaces.  Everyone that enters will be questioned on their travel history, have their temperature taken and will be asked to wear a mask.  Entry will not be granted without these procedures.


I have a medical condition that is treated weekly but I have avoided it due to COVID-19.  Should I continue to be treated?

Yes, if your provider has written an order to have weekly procedures, you should follow those orders to maintain your health.


My doctor referred me to see a Cardiologist at a specialty clinic.  Are the specialty clinics seeing patients during this time?

Yes, all specialty clinics are seeing patients right now at the discretion of the provider.  It is safe to see your specialist to maintain your health.


I am afraid that if I go to Gove County Medical Center that I will catch COVID-19.  How many patients in the hospital have COVID-19?

As of this writing, Gove County Medical Center has not had any COVID-19 patients hospitalized.  


I have an elective surgery that I have put off, is it safe to go ahead and schedule my procedure?

Yes it is safe to schedule your procedure.  We want you to feel better as soon as possible.

Remember your health matters to your local hospital and doctor.  Do not neglect your health during a pandemic, because your health needs should not be set aside.