Home | News | Peggy Ritter joins GCMC as Patient Financial Counselor

Peggy Ritter joins GCMC as Patient Financial Counselor

Writing an article is a lot more challenging than it looks.  Trying to decide what TO say, what NOT to say.  What is enough information without oversharing?  Hats off to those who do this for a profession!  Luckily, this is NOT my job!  I’m here to help your community find affordable insurance through the Federally Facilitated Exchange, commonly known as the Marketplace.  Additionally, I can help you sign up for Medicare Parts A & B as well as looking at your Drug Plan (Part D) each year.  Or, if you have children, are elderly or disabled, we can look to see if KanCare is an option.

Open Enrollment is just around the corner!  Medicare’s begins October 15th and runs through December 7th.  Open Enrollment for the Marketkplace begins November 1st and runs through December 15th.  Unless you have a qualifying event throughout the year, this is the only time you are eligible to sign up for insurance.

It’s a good idea to sit down with a professional every year to review your plan.  When it comes to Medicare, there are always changes and often there are new drug plans that are less expensive.  I’ve helped hundreds of people save thousands of dollars and I’d like the opportunity to help you.  Even if you don’t change anything, at least you know you’ve made the best choice.

The Marketplace changes each year as well.  Not every change has an impact on every person, but it’s best to know if your plan is your best option.  If you’re new to insurance, have lost your insurance, are turning 26, and need to get off your parent’s insurance, I’m here to help you, too!  There is never a fee to talk to me and I don’t sell insurance.  I’ve helped people in Gove County, Sheridan, Decatur, Rawlins, Thomas, Graham, and Cheyenne Counties. People from Illinois, Florida, North Dakota, Minnesota, Mississippi, Colorado, Arizona, and Montana have come to me for help.

I’m a seasoned professional for the Marketplace, Medicare, and Medicaid.  I have undergone training and have years of experience.  Call today to set up an appointment!  My number is 785-754-5184.  If you’d rather email, you can reach me at:  [email protected]

I look forward to meeting you and helping the residents of Gove County. Come see me September 28th at the Methodist Church from 4-6 pm!  We’ll have FREE Brats, Root Beer, Door Prizes, and more information about upcoming events!