Financial Services
Thank you for choosing Gove County Medical Center for your healthcare needs. We strive to inform our patients of our billing procedures and welcome the communication of any concerns or questions to our business office. For questions about billing, insurance, or payment information, please call 785-754-3341 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Gove County Medical Center Business Office will submit a claim after discharge to any insurance you provide. After your insurance pays, you will begin receiving statements for the patient responsibility amount due and payment is expected within 30 days.
Gove County Medical Center has network agreements with a variety of insurance plans. There may be a possibility that we are considered out-of-network with some companies, which may cause your benefits to be reduced. Please contact the Business Office or your insurance plan if you have questions about network benefits.
Billing statements received from Gove County Medical Center contain services provided by the hospital. Professional fees for ER and specialty clinic providers, radiologists, pathologists, etc. will be billed separately.
If you are uninsured, a bill will be sent after discharge requesting payment of the balance due.
Payment Options
Gove County Medical Center is committed to working together with you to resolve your accounts in a positive manner. Gove County Medical Center is dependent on timely payments to continue to provide healthcare at a low cost.
Online Bill Pay
To pay your account with your debit or credit card through our online bill pay, go to our secure online payment portal.
Payment Agreement
Gove County Medical Center accepts payments on a monthly basis based on terms set forth in our payment agreement policy. An ACH (automated clearing house) payment is required to participate in a payment agreement. To set up a payment agreement, please follow this link HERE to fill out a secure online ACH form or you can download and fill out the ACH Form HERE and return it to the Business Office. Alternatively, you can stop by the business office to fill out an ACH form and we will be happy to help you.
Charity Care
Gove County Medical Center provides charity care to patients who are uninsured or unable to pay the balance due after insurance has been paid. If you think you may be eligible for charity care, please contact the business office for details in regard to the program.
Hospital Pricing
Below is the link to the charges used by Gove County Medical Center. This list of charges reflects the standard charges for inpatient and outpatient services. These charges are the same for all patients, but the patient’s financial responsibility for services provided may vary, depending upon payment plans negotiated with individual health insurers as well as reimbursement schedules set by public payers such as Medicare and Medicaid/Kancare. These charges do not include items or services that may be billed separately such as professional fees for ER and specialty clinic providers, lab, diagnostic services, anesthesia, pharmacy, etc. The list of charges does not constitute a contract. Regulations require annual publishing of our charges; therefore, this list is as current as the last update. While this document outlines standard base charges, these are not necessarily charges a patient will see. Charges are subject to change at any time. For any inquiries contact the Business Office Manager.
Click here for our charge list.