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Gove County Medical Center Auxiliary Gift Shop


When the late Yvetta Patterson retired from the medical practices of Drs. Gunter (ret.), Heisterman (ret.), Lichty, Machen, and Nemecheck in 1998, she wanted to stay active in the medical community and felt that there was a need for a Hospital Auxiliary. The first organized meeting was in late June of 2001.

Funding for Auxiliary projects comes from: sales from the gift shop, which is operated Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm, memberships, donations, and special fund raising events. Proceeds from these sources are returned to the hospital to benefit patient care. Members of the Auxiliary, as well as the community, have been extremely generous with their time and money. This generosity permits the different medical center departments to purchase items which are helpful or needed but are not funded in their yearly budgets. A complete list of the items that have been purchased is too extensive to list here. In addition, we contribute annually to the Gove County Endowment Fund.

As the opportunities arise and change, it is our goal to be able to assist the medical community with projects and deeds that will be beneficial to them. If you are interested in volunteering on the Auxiliary, please call 785-754-3341.



  • Monday thru Thursday – 10:00am to 2:00pm